An App for Concreters
TradeCaddy for Concrete is a user-friendly administrative tool designed for Concreters. It provides a straightforward method for monitoring the progress of your jobs. TradeCaddy simplifies the task of recording essential inspections and tracking progress to report to your site manager.

Agile Development Tool
WSJF Sequencer is a desktop app based on the WSJF (Weighted Shortest Job First) prioritisation model. WSJF Sequencer will automatically prioritise your  jobs based on the economics of product development flow. WSJF Sequencer will help automatically prioritise tasks in order of importance.

Technologies We've Built
Talk to us about a demo of any of these solutions.

SQL Database API
Offers Fast Reliable Real-time Data 24/7
With DB Rover you can make your databases available online!
GIS Platform
Create and display interactive maps online, include maps in your reports or map your business activities & locations for distribution or planning purposes.
Qlik Proxy Server
This proxy server is a managed service designed to allow you to access QlikSense through a corporate firewall.

Typscript Template
Open Source Software
A template for building multi-platform typescript applications. Span multiple devices including Web, Desktop, Android and iOS
eCommerce Platform
Digital download platform with social media sharing capablilties. This platform is similar to EJunkie & Ezi Downloads.
Desktop File Encryption
Open Source Software
CipherFile is an open source encryption tool that allows you to encrypt files in the AES encryption standard.

Get In Touch
We’re happy to hear from you. Contact us today to learn more about any of the above software and how you can benefit from working with us.